To purchase tickets with a change in the EU, please contact the offices of the company "EUROLINES MOLDOVA"
The lists of telephones of road service stations:
Kishinev | The central Road service station | +271476, +271558 | |
Kishinev | Northern Road service station | +421977 | +411334 |
Kishinev | Southern Road service station | +723983 | |
Тiraspol | Road service station, street. Lenin 59А | 01600371533-94331 | |
Baltsy | Road service station | +43920 | |
Bender | Road service station | 01600371552-26596 | |
Causeni | Road service station, Аlba Ilie 1 | +23475, +23202 | |
Stefan-Vofa | Road service station, Industrial zone | +22402, +22663 |