To purchase tickets with a change in the EU, please contact the offices of the company "EUROLINES MOLDOVA"

Authorized methods of payment

Мoldova - Czechia

Lines are carried out with change:

To Romania (Brasov)
Departure from Kishinev at 18:00.
Arrival in Brasov (Bartolomeu) la 06:00.
From Brasov -
Brno, Praha
Fare - from 85€

To Poland (Warsaw, Krakow)
Departure from Kishinev at 10:00, 12:00.
Arrival in Krakow (dw. PKS) at 09:00,
Arrival in Warsaw (PKS Zachodnia) at 14:00.
From Кrakow and Warsaw -
Brno, Frydek Mistek, Hradec Kralove, Pilzen, Praga
Fare - from 85€

Departure place (arrivals)
Praga →